Salsa Dance Classes in Boulder, Colorado

All the details here

"Intro to Salsa" upcoming class dates:

August 2024:
Tuesdays 7:15-8:30pm (6th, 13th, 20th, 27th)

We have full program of salsa dance lessons at all levels:
  • Level 1 (Intro)
  • Level 2 (Advanced-Beginner)
  • Level 3 (Intro to Intermediate)
  • Level 4 (Intermediate)
  • Level 5 (Advanced-Intermediate)
Check out the full upcoming month's schedule (August)

Cuba Music & Dance Educational Trips
with Eric "El Cubanito" Freeman as your full-time guide.

Check out all the info about our upcoming trips!

Colombia Music & Dance, Cultural & Nature Trips
with Eric "El Cubanito" Freeman as your full-time guide.

Check out all the info about our upcoming trips!

Salsaville's Videos  |  About
 |  Teaching and Resume

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"The Cuba Corner"   |  Salsa Books   |  Articles & Links



For more information about my workshops and to discuss setting up future
workshops in your city (anywhere in the world), please click here.

My personal guide to

Salsa Nightclubs in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, USA

The Cuba Corner

Useful information about music and dance in Cuban style dancing


.... also known as ....
Eric 'El Cubanito' Freeman's
Salsa Products and Services