Welcome to ... SALSAVILLE'

A total of 15 DVDs:

Salsa from the Start - Complete Beginner Instructional Series (3 volumes)

Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict - Original Series (2 volumes)

Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict - New Series (2 volumes)

¡Salsa a la Cubana! - Original Series (3 volumes)

¡Salsa a la Cubana! - New Series (3 volumes)

Cool Moves "Revealed" (1 volume)

Multi Style Salsa (1 volume)

Specially designed DVDs

To Order The DVDs

Music used in the videos

An overview of all of the videos

Customers' comments about Salsaville's videos

Salsaville's videos have now been sold in 75 different countries

Check out all of the official video trailers for the 15 DVDs from Salsaville

Salsaville Dance Studios brings you a collection of fifteen salsa dance instructional DVD videos.

All titles are directed, produced, edited by the world-renowned salsa dance instructor Eric 'El Cubanito' Freeman. Salsaville offers salsa DVDs for every level and major-style of salsa dancing. Our DVDs have now been sold in over 75 countries and are known world-over for their quality of instruction, easy of understanding, large quantity of salsa dance moves, and authenticity of different salsa dance styles.

First, we have the three-volume "Salsa from the Start" DVD video series for the absolute "scared-to-try" beginner. But this series takes you far beyond the beginner level. It is really a complete guide to preparing you to become serious salsero, and contains numerous details and concepts often overlooked by many intermediate and advanced dancers.

Next, we have the four-volume "Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict" (divided into the Original Series and New Series), and the single-volume "Cool Moves Revealed" providing hundreds of intermediate through super-advanced moves to keep you busy learning for a long time. These salsa dance DVD videos are mostly in the New York style and Los Angeles styles, but include elements of Cumbia and Cuban style salsa dancing as well.

For those of you who really want to learn Cuban salsa dancing, we have the world-famous, six-volume "¡Salsa a la Cubana" DVD video series (divided into the Original Series and the New Series) -- pure cuban-style dancing filmed on the island itself. These videos are probably the world's best-known DVDs on cuban salsa dancing.

Any finally, our latest release -- the three-hour long "Multi Style Salsa: How to Lead and Follow Different Styles from all over the World", danced and instructed by Eric and the world-famous Edie, The Salsa FREAK. This salsa DVD shows you all the major salsa styles of the world in one DVD. This instructional DVD explains the differences between the major styles and how to adapt to dance each of them.

The "¡Salsa a la Cubana!" is filmed entirely of expert Cuban dancers from the island itself. All the other titles, are with Eric "El Cubanito" Freeman dancing and instructing the entire way through the DVD videos. The videos vary in length all the way from 36 minutes to 3 hours! However, except for two DVD videos, the videos are at least one hour long. The "Salsa from the Start" videos series average 2 hours each in length. Salsaville DVDs are known for having a lot of material in each video, and you will certainly get your money's worth.

Below you can see more details on each of our salsa DVDs. We also have a quick overview of all of our titles. If you have any questions about any of our products, you can reach us via email at eric@salsaville.com, or by phone or WhatsApp at +1-720-336-1239.

"Salsa from the Start"
Volumes I & II & III

The complete beginner salsa dancing instructional DVD set

Click here for more info ...

"Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict"
DVD video series continued ...


The very popular video series continues ...

New York style salsa, Los Angeles style salsa, and some Cuban style salsa.
Tons of new cool moves to learn ...

Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict, Volumes III & IV

¡Salsa a la Cubana!
DVD video series continued ...

Three new instructional DVD videos


Pure Cuban Salsa Dancing brought to you from the island itself.
Casino salsa dancing at it's very best.

Tons of new cool moves to learn, multiple-partner dancing,
Rueda de Casino, and much more ...

¡Salsa a la Cubana!: Instructional DVD Videos #3, #4, #5

A "Tour du Monde" of the world's four dominant styles of salsa dancing.

Click here for more info ...

"Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict"
video series (original) ... Volumes I & II


This is Eric Freeman's sequel to the highly popular
"Cool Moves Revealed."

Click here for more info ...

¡Salsa a la Cubana!
original video series ...

        Sunny and Ibert:  Instructors in the videos

Click here for product and ordering info

Cool Moves "Revealed"