Fabio Boschetti from Perth, AUSTRALIA:
(Fabio runs the website: www.salsaisgood.com and has the largest collection of reviews
of instructional salsa dancing videos in the world.)
"“When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when in Cuba, do as the Cubans do” says Edie the Salsa Freak in this DVD. Makes sense, but what do the Romans and the Cubans do? And how? You would not expect Edie to give a cryptic suggestion without a full explanation and indeed in this DVD Eric and Edie give you full details on how to behave and what to expect, salsa-wise, wherever you may go, anywhere the world. It is hard to imagine a couple better suited for the task, both being very experienced and well travelled (literally). From the dance floor experience of these travels they reconstruct for us an atlas for today’s salsa, which you can consult wherever you plan to travel, whether to LA, Colombia or the salsa club down the road where they dance that strange salsa style, the one you are not familiar with. The atlas is divided into four continents: NY style, LA style, Cuban Style and Cumbia Style, and within each continent some local variations are also mapped: a fully self-contained handbook on all you ever wanted to know about salsa styles.
Salsa styles differ in terms of some typical turn patterns as well as timing, style and the relationship between the dancers. Eric and Edie are too wise to fall into the trap of teaching turn patterns so they go straight into what really counts: the difference in the lead, in the following, in the hand hold, in the direction of the dance, in the footwork, in the timing and in the music. Their teaching is not only technical, it also covers the human and social aspects of the dance: the local habits, the idiosyncrasies of the different styles and what you may need to expect if you enter a club were a particular style is danced.
You must know a minimum of salsa to make the most of it, since the features of the various styles are covered with the expectation that you know basic steps, cross body leads and similar elements. Given that, I believe anyone can benefit from this DVD. For beginner dancers, this DVD can be a Pandora's box of surprises, anticipating the variety of adventures awaiting your coming 1001 salsa nights. For intermediate dancers, it may clarify things perceived via word of mouth or via the occasional experience with a visiting salsa dancer. For the advanced dancers, this DVD will make you appreciate styles until now disregarded. This is probably the most important message of the DVD: every language has beautiful expressions.. don’t be limited by local salsa slang. Finally, for the well travelled who have danced everything and everywhere, this DVD can be a useful reminder of details once known and now forgotten, an excellent summary conveniently put together. Because of all these reasons, this is not a DVD to devour quickly, but rather the equivalent of a reference book, something you keep on your bookshelf and which you may want to refer to several times in the years to come.
Keep in mind that this is part of Edie’s ‘Best Lead’ series and Eric exhibits superb skills not only at leading Edie impromptu into difficult passages but also in explaining clearly how he does it; knowing how to lead well and explaining how to do it are not the same thing and excelling at both is a rare gift. Surely having a world renowned follower helps and the hints from the lady's side are just as valuable.
Why such a DVD? Because probably the one and only success story of globalisation is salsa and while until a few years ago you were compelled to learn the only style the local community could offer, today in most large cities you can choose and it may happen that you enter a club where your favourite style is off-limits and you don’t want to risk missing the fun. Today, speaking several salsa languages is a must and this DVD represents a handy phrase-book.
A DVD like this was well overdue in the market. I have had the pleasure of leading Edie and being led by Eric (!) and I can confirm that it could have not be made by a better couple; it was worth the wait."
David Wilson from Boulder, CO:
"Your new video is excellent. I learned some great things that will improve my dancing. I'm inspired to work on my NY style dancing and learn more Cuban style. The section on Cuban style is especially well done, including the awesome demonstration with 'El Cubanito' and Yanieri Martinez Lopez."
"After watching Eric and Edie's Multi-Style Salsa, I was able to seamlessly transition between LA style "on one" to NY style "Eddie Torres on two," during a song for the first time ever. While I had not learned Cuban style before watching the video, I was able to then also switch to Casino. My dance partner, who actually introduced me to salsa, was blown away. I'm calling it the "El Tres" experience. Next time I'm on the dance floor with her, I'll remember to throw in a transition to Cumbia, for the "El Quatro" experience!"
Ambrose Tati from Cheshire, UNITED KINGDOM:
"I'm finally in possession of the DVD. It arrived today and I can say that it's awesome. Great piece of work."
Kristine Chan-Lizardo from Boulder, CO:
"As someone who travels and likes to try dancing salsa anywhere I go, I thought that Eric's video would be the perfect primer on how to recognize and adapt to different salsa styles. It turns out that the video does that (in fact, it does an especially good job explaining Cuban style dancing) and offers even more. It's a dense video full of information, one that I could watch several times and get something new out of each viewing. The only problem is that I brought it to France with me and my salsa-dancing friend there saw it and desperately wanted to "borrow" it from me. I'll be getting another copy soon."
Lamar Renford from Atlanta, GA:
"There is a wealth of information and instruction on the major Salsa styles. It is very well done and the instructions are clear and understandable. These are a must for anyone who wants to expand their Salsa repertoire."
Steve Gaona from Phoenix, AZ:
"My name is Steve "Boogalito" Gaona. I teach in Phoenix, Arizona. I study different salsa dance styles, figure out how to blend them together, and then teach it that way. It's like learning different salsa languages at the same time. I have 5 of your DVDs, and I base a lot of the material I teach on your new DVD. I find your moves to be all leadable and not strung out patterns. After watching the new DVD, it's like I'm talking to myself! It was great, and it reinforced my teachings and views on the different styles and blending them together. I believe that teaching the styles blended together makes for a well-rounded dancer who can adjust on the fly and actually dance, and not just execute the moves."
Laszlo Filip from Budapest, HUNGARY:
"Your DVD is excellent, brilliant, great, fascinating and I still could write down many similar adjectives without being able to express the real worth of the DVD.
I watched it at least 20 times (really !!!!!) and I always found new things to remember and to recognise. Yeah, I guess it is the one and only DVD in the world that explains all the differences of the salsa styles so thoroughly and very well understandable.
I also loved your dialogue and/or discussion which I watched even more times than the salsa styles. I wish I could have been there personally because I would have asked a few more questions on salsa.
Edie is right. You really are one of the best and most knowledgeable salsa leaders, teachers and dancers of the world and she is definitely one of the best followers, teachers and dancers of the world, too.
I hope very much that it was not your last DVD on this topic. If were you I would make a DVD on the different salsa places of the world and show the different salsa styles dancing as a documental continuation of your new DVD. Just imagine all those places such as New York, LA, Santiago de Cuba or La Habana, Cali, etc."
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