The Guide to
Hot Moves for the Salsa Addict
Volume II
Section I | Section
II | Section III | Section
IV | Section V | Section
VI | Section VII | Section
VIII | Section IX | Section
SECTION I - Double Turns
2WRT switching L-R to R-R (opt. straight into W head comb & XB)
I said "on the 2nd turn." I should have said "after the 2nd turn."
Double Hammerlock (2WRT) into Pretzel
WLT, float (similar to a pull-in)
rock / RE:2WRT
Move#4: (SloMo)
XB:WLT stopping into sweetheart
unwind & 2WRT with simultaneous MLT at end
Move#5: (SloMo)
XB:2WLT with L-R hands overhead
XB with 2WLT timing:
XB:2WLT with R-R hands overhead and then around back
I said "move to the left." I should have said "move to the right,
and rotate to the left." Same for next move.
SECTION II - Advanced Tunnel Variations
(see Move#18 in Volume I for basic tunnel variation)
XB:WLT into Lauren's sweetheart wrap
rotate CCW together, forward break W & tunnel out
WRT into hammerlock
XB with WLT
keep turning W for an additional WLT into wrap (rotating CCW a little)
/ forward break W & tunnel out
Move#10: Sambuka Tunnel
WLT, pull-in into sambuka
rotate CW together, forward break W & tunnel out
Move#11: Sambuka Deep Tunnel
Inspired Move)
WLT, pull-in into sambuka
exhibala (rotating CCW together), forward W & tunnel out
SECTION III - Hustle Move & Variations
Move#12: Hustle Move (SloMo)
R-R,L-L:WRT into hammerlock
head comb W & XB:WLT
W continues to turn L winding W up around M-back / grab R-R & XB:2WLT
Wind-up Move timing:
Move#13: Pre-Hustle and Hustle
XB:WLT into sweetheart
unwind & (releasing R-R) (2)WRT winding L-L behind W-back
Hustle Move
Hustle Move cont finishing with XB:2WLT with R-R overhead & then around
Move#14: (SloMo)
XB:WLT into sweetheart
unwind & multWRT(5WRT in this case) w/WL-hand wound behind W-back
(continuing 5WRT)
head comb and Hustle Move
Hustle Move continued finishing with XB:2WLT with R-R overhead & then
around back
5WRT timing:
turns completed:0 1 2 3
4 5
My verbal explanation of the turns wasn't so good. I was
counting 1,2,3, pausing, and then 5,6,7, etc. This
confused Lauren
with her footwork
as she needs to turn on 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc.
The slow motion
segment shows this more clearly.
Move#15: Loose Hustle Move
XB:WLT w/hand flick
catch W and bring W around to M-back / XB:2WLT with R-R released or hip
SECTION IV - Miscellaneous Moves
Move#16: One-Handed Head Duck
head comb W with R-R / XB:WLT with W-head duck with hands staying behind
L-R:MRT winding hands behind back and duck and come up
XB:WLT by MR-hand flick
(on5 lead is not done.)
(Double) released wrap and catch by locking elbows / unwind & WRT ducking
under locked arms (switching to on3 if double released wrap)
Move#19: Our Trompo XB (SloMo)
1/2MRT under R-R and XB:WLT as Trompo
SECTION V - Multiple Turns with more complicated timing
Move#20: (SloMo)
multWLT switching L-R to R-R to L-R
continue multWLT
contunue multWLT and end with body slam
timing: 1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,etc.
W: R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R
M: L,R,L,.,R,.,L,.,R,.,L
(I don't quite keep to this. I sometimes switch
to stepping on every beat while switching hands.)
WRT w/L-R with simultaneous 1/2MLT with hands ending up on ML-shoulder
hand drop catching with MR-hand & 2WRT
WRT w/L-R with simultaneous 1/2MLT with hands ending up on ML-shoulder
hand drop catching with ML-hand / reverse side sweetheart (WRT) placing
MR-hand on WR-shoulder to reverse W
unwind W and 2WLT
Move#23: (SloMos)
WRT w/L-R with simultaneous 1/2MLT with hands ending up on ML-shoulder
hand drop catching with ML-hand / reverse side sweetheart (WRT) catching
wind other way / (wind other way / wind back other way) unwind and
2(or4)WRT finishing on5 (or on1 if 4WRT) with a forward break
(1st counting explanation: At end, I said "7-1". I should have said
timimg: 5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1
unwind & 2WRT:
W: L,R,L,R,L,R,L,.,R
M: R,L,R,L,R,L,R,.,L(on5)
1 2
u - means finished unwinding
unwind & 4WRT:
W: L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,.,R
W: L,R,L,.,R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L,R
M: R,L,R,.,L,.,R,.,L,.,R,.,L
1 2 3 4
(Woman can do either of above footwork. The only difference
is that she goes 5,6,7,pause and then go 1,2,1,2.etc. or she
skip the pause and go right into the 1,2,1,2,etc. later pausing
before resuming the basic step. In reality, watching slow motion
clips, she will often do something in between.)
SECTION VI - Fake-Out Cross-Bodies
Move#24: Fake-Out Cross-Body Lead
Fake-Out XB w/WLT and MLT
Fake-Out XB w/WLT
right into rotating XB
Fake-Out XB w/WLT and MLT
blind catch right into rotating XB
SECTION VII - Pure-Cuban Moves
(By "Pure-Cuban"
I mean moves that would normally be done by Cubans in Cuba.)
R-R:L-L Hecho (Cuban-WRT) (W comes around to MR-side)
L-L over M-head and then R-R over M-head / pull-in (W walks CW around M)
Dile Que No
R-R:L-L Hecho (Cuban-WRT) into hammerlock
WLT unwinding W / back-MRT with R-R going over M-head
R-R over M-head / R-R over M-head (W walks CW as M rotates CW)
R-R over M-head / pull-in
Dile Que No
Move#31: Released Blind Paseala
XB straight into released blind paseala
repeat ...
Dile Que No
(At end of counting explanation, I skipped 1-2-3.)
Move#32: Early Vacilala
Enchufala / pull-in straight into early vacilala
Dile Que No
Routine # 1:
(Move#29 cont)
(Move#30 cont)
(Move#30 cont)
(Move#30 cont) straight into [Move#31]
[Move#31 cont]
[Move#31 cont]
[Move#31 cont]
[Move#32 cont]
[Move#32 cont]
SECTION VIII - Cuban-Inspired Moves
(By "Cuban-Inspired"
I mean moves that would not normally be done by Cubans in Cuba, but instead
moves in which I combined techniques from the U.S.A. (fast turning usually)
that use some concept or timing from Cuban moves.)
Move#33: Early Double Hecho switching hands
behind back
Enchufala / pull-in straight into early double hecho with switching hands
behind back
Double Hecho
Enchufala / pull-in
Dile Que No
Move#34: Vacilala Con Mucho Engaņo
reverse W and W continues turning L
on1 pickup into Dile Que No
Move#35: Vacilala Con Demasiado Engaņo
reverse W and W continues turning L
continue / on5 pickup into finishing Dile Que No
head comb W / L-L:XB into windup
start Hecho and 2or3WRT
M head comb and XB
Move#37: Double Hecho (this
move is done in Cuba sometimes)
Double Hecho
Enchufala / pull-in
Dile Que No
Move#38: Double Vacilala (this
move is done in Cuba sometimes)
Double Vacilala (don't spot very much!)
Dile Que No
Move#39: Vacilala Butt-Bump (this
move is done in Cuba sometimes)
Vacilala with butt bump about on3
Dile Que No
Routine # 2:
(Move#33 cont)
straight into (Move#34)
(Move#34 cont)
(Move#34 cont)
[Move#35 cont]
[Move#35 cont]
[Move#35 cont]
[Move#36 cont]
[Move#36 cont]
[Move#36 cont]
[Move#37 cont]
[Move#37 cont]
[Move#38 cont]
SECTION IX - More Pure-Cuban & Cuban-Inspired Moves
Move#40: Wide-Open Panque
(Cuban Inspired Move)
wide-open panque
start panque grabbing R-L and 2WRT
Move#41: My Little Tornillo (Cuban
Inspired Move)
WLT / pull-in
start Dile Que No and start Little Tornillo
continue and finish Dile Que No
Move#42: Cuban Double Pretzel (this
move is done in Cuba sometimes)
Dile Que No
straight into Hecho with simultaneous MLT with M doing extra left turn
straight into Cuban Pretzel
Enchufala / pull-in
SECTION X - Dip, Lunge, and Drop
Move#43: Lauren's leg wrap dip
Move#44: The Jesus Lunge (SloMo)
R-R:XB:WLT winding R-R behind W-back
Pull W forward and lunge on5
Note: there are various ways in this - any left turn with R-R behind
W-back may work
Move#45: Drop Your Pants Drop
released wrap straight into Drop Your Pants Drop