DVD Maker USB 2.0

Supplementary User Manual

for Use with ReplayerStudio



Please Note:  This supplementary user manual provides basic, abridged instructions for using DVD Maker USB 2.0.  This guide highlights only the features of DVD Maker USB 2.0 that are most relevant for use with ReplayerStudio.  For complete instructions on installing and using DVD Maker USB 2.0, please refer to the pamphlet “DVD Maker USB 2.0 Capture Box: User Manual,” which ships with the product.


Installation & Operation

  1. Insert the CD-ROM disc labeled “DVD Maker USB 2.0” into your computer’s optical drive.  Follow the instructions to install the capture and encoding software onto your computer.  (You won’t need to insert the other CD that comes in the box.)
  2. Connect the DVD Maker USB 2.0 device to your computer as follows:
  3. Connect the DVD Maker USB 2.0 device to a video source, such as a VCR, set-top DVD player, or camcorder, using the composite RCA or S-video cables.
  4. Launch the DVD Maker USB 2.0 software application by double-clicking the following icon on your desktop:



  1. Doing this will bring up the main user interface window, titled PVR-PLUS:



  1. You are now ready to begin capturing or encoding video.  The two icons in the uppermost left-hand corner of the PVR-PLUS interface window control these two important functions:

See below for more detailed instructions on actually using the video capture and encoding applications.


The Video Capture Application

After you press the TV icon in the main user window, the following control panel will appear.  To begin capturing video, press the small icon boxed in red below :



You will then be prompted to enter settings for your captured video into the following Setup window:




To capture video for ReplayerStudio, use the settings shown in the screenshot above.  Specifically:


When you’ve set all these fields, press the “Video” tab at the top.  You will now be prompted to enter video-related settings into the following window:



At first, you might try the “Defalut” settings (misspelled in the button), just to see how the video image looks.  If it looks good, keep it as is.  If not, adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Hue, or Saturation settings until the video image appears as you want it to.  Then click “OK” to exit the Setup window.  You will come back to the main capture control screen:



You are now ready to actually start capturing.  The first time you capture from any source, you might want to try just capturing a minute or so of video.  This way, you can check the created file to make sure you like the settings you chose.  If you want to change something, you’ve only invested a minute or so of your time.


To begin capturing, press the record button (boxed in red above).  Then, press the gray square (circled in blue above) to stop.


Once you’re done capturing, open your newly-created MPEG-1 file in ReplayerStudio.  Make sure everything looks good.  If not, go back and adjust the Capture and Video settings, as described above.  Once you’re convinced it all looks good, re-start the capturing process, this time for your whole video.


The MPEG Encoder Application

The MPEG encoder that comes with DVD Maker USB 2.0 can convert just about any video file to MPEG-1 format, the ideal format for use with ReplayerStudio.



Below is a screenshot of the main command window for the encoder application:



To add files to convert, press the “+” button (circled in red above).  After you select a file to convert, you will be able to adjust conversion settings in the following Option window:



Before converting your files, keep in mind the following:


Click “OK” to save your settings, and to get out of the Option window.  You are now ready to actually convert your video files.


Single-File Conversion


Batch Conversion

This application includes the very convenient feature of batch encoding.  Thus, you can convert many files to MPEG-1 at the same time.