July 2010: Level IV (Intermediate)




Week 1 Patterns:

Pattern 1:
1: XB:WLT to sweetheart; start in closed, release L-R on 3, then pick up W’s R shoulder w/ M’s left hand on 6 to lead WLT, catching both W’s shoulders on 7
2: Sweetheart turn to left, then WRT, all led w/ W’s shoulders

Invisible lead variation:
1: XB:WLT to sweetheart; start in closed, release L-R on 3, then on 6 M sort of twists his R frame to start WLT
2: as above

Pattern 2:
1: WRT from R-L, L-R; on 3, M raises R-L to W’s shoulder height, w/ M’s palm facing W & M’s thumb on bottom; on 5, M flicks L-R to M’s L & releases it to lead turn, & R-L goes around smoothly around to behind W’s neck, still holding R-L
2: XB:WLT to W’s LT hammerlock; M takes L-R about 3, then pulls w/ L-R on5 to start W forward & the leads WLT on 6 w/ it, holding L-R low to enter W’s LT hammerlock
3: XB:2WRT to W’s RT hammerlock; about 3, M moves L-R in front of W, & leads her to starts the turns on5. L-R goes over W’s head, then down into hammerlock. R-L goes over W’s head after L-R goes over W’s head
4: XB:WLT to open position

Pattern 3:
1: XB open to open
2: WRT:R-L
3: open break WLT to wrap, catching W’s L shoulder on 3 w/ M’s L hand; M leans down slot w/ W on 5, & shifts forward again on 7
4 (4 beats only): 1-1/2 traveling WRT
Note: since 4 had only 4 beats, the timing switches to the 5



Week 2 Patterns:


Opposite side cross body leads:
oXB open to open
oXB closed to closed

Pattern 0:
1: XB open to open
2: oXB to R-L elbow lock
3: release R-L, reach around to pick up R-L below, & XB:WLT to sweetheart
4: sweetheart turn to L, then WRT:R-R to unwind
5: W’s R-R Hcomb , picking up L-L below & M holding W’s R shoulder w/ R hand to XB:WLT to sweetheart
6: sweetheart turn to L (overrotating to M’s L arm makes full contact w/ W’s back), to WRT:L-L to unwind
7: M’s L-L Hcomb, to XB to open

Basic pattern for patterns 1-3 below:
3: XB:2WRT

Pattern 1:
3: XB:2WRT:R-R/L-L with wrist slip on 2nd turn
4: XB:WLT:L-L/R-R (to R-R/L-L)

Pattern 2:
2: take R-L also, & XB:WLT to wrap, pulling w/ L-R to continue WLT & not stop in sweetheart
3: complete WLT to face W back down slot, then XB:2WRT, keeping R-L into W’s RT hammerlock
4: XB:WLT to open position

Pattern 3 (same as last week’s pattern 2, with WRT turned into XB WRT)
1: XB:WRT R-L, L-R; M raises R-L to W's shoulder height, w/ M's palm facing W & M's thumb on bottom; on 5, M leads W down slot w/  L-R releases it, & R-L goes around smoothly around to behind W's neck, still holding R-L
2: XB:WLT to W's LT hammerlock; M takes L-R about 3, then pulls w/ L-R on5 to start W forward & the leads WLT on 6 w/ it, holding L-R low to enter W's LT hammerlock
3: XB:2WRT to W's RT hammerlock; about 3, M moves L-R in front of W, & leads her to starts the turns on5. L-R goes over W's head, then down into hammerlock. R-L goes over W's head after L-R goes over W's head
4: XB:WLT to open position



Week 3 Patterns:


New move:
Open break 3WLT
- W turns ¼L on 3, then approx ½ turns on 5,6,7 & 1. That’s 2-1/2 turns, but M’s footwork makes it a net 3 turns.
- M starts the turn on 3, & doesn’t pause his hand on the pauses that happen on 4 & 8.
Pattern 1:
1: XB:L-R,R-L
2: WRT:L-R, switching to R-R
3: open break 3WLT:R-R to sweetheart, taking W’s L shoulder w/ M’s L hand
4: Sweetheart turn to left, then WRT to unwind (or 2WRT if W wants it)

Pattern 2:
1: XB:L-R,R-L
2: WRT:L-R,R-L holding L-R low into W’s RT hammerlock
3: open break 3WLT into W’s LT hammerlock; lead first ¼ turn with L-R, then L-R goes over W’s head, then R-L goes over W’s head & L-R goes down into W’s LT hammerlock, then in final turn, M releases hammerlocked L-R & keep hand on W’s torso to pick up L-R in hammerlock again
4: XB:2WRT, leading with R-L, which then goes over W’s head. Then L-R goes over W’s head & R-L goes down into W’s RT hammerlock.
Note instead of move 5, you could repeat moves 3 & 4.

Pattern 3:
1: XB:L-R,R-L
2: WRT:L-R, switching to R-R
3: open break 3WLT:R-R, with R-R going over W’s head for first two turns, & then cradling her neck on the third
4: XB:WRT, picking up L-L below
5: Double arm toss, L-L, then R-R, to XB:WLT:L-L/R-R (looks like the arm tosses are on previous counts 7 & 8).
6: 1/2 MRT to WRT:1/2MLT. For the 1/2 MRT, R-R goes over M’s head & L-L goes almost to M’s RT hammerlock. For WRT, M leads R-R over his R shoulder R-R then goes over M’s head & L-L stays low to go into W’s RT hammerlock.
7: open break 3WLT:R-R to sweetheart, releasing L-L, taking W’s L shoulder w/ M’s L hand
8: Sweetheart turn to left, then WRT to unwind (or 2WRT if W wants it)





Class notes created by Charles Bier and revised and edited by Eric Freeman.